
Book List

required reading


Here’s a few of my top picks for anyone interested in product or design:


So Good It’s Borderline Unethical

A must-read for anyone building consumer-facing systems. Nir Eyal taps into the psychology of human habit-forming and ties to product design in a way that’s so useful, it’s scary. With great persuasive power comes great responsibility.


Great Ideas For Spreading Ideas

Chip & Dan Heath outline six dimensions of successful communication - aptly abbreviated to “SUCCESS” - in this book that has become my go-to reference when brainstorming any new marketing project.

A Crash Course In Design Thinking

Dan Norman’s genre-defining book on the fundamental principles of design highlights the simple design choices that enable our human lifestyles. It’ll change the way you see the world humans have built, and every time you push a door that you should pull, you’ll think of this book.


How People Actually Use The Web

Steve Krug’s usability manifesto should be 101 material in any screen designers curriculum. This refreshing take on usability tells it like really is, dispelling the myths and misconceptions about how we engage our screens.